

"The Book of Remembrance"

In 1973 The Lord Spoke to me and said, “Will you write a book?”  I chuckled to my self and replied, “Lord, I’m not a writer....….. but if You want me to, and You are with me, I know it will succeed.” “Alright, I’ll do it.”  

A few minutes later a thought was given to me, and so I asked, “Lord, what shall I call this book?”

The Lord answered and said, “The Book of Remembrance.”

“Wow!”  I exclaimed “That’s a great name for a book!”

At the time I was 24 years old.  I lived in an old share croppers house out in the country side of south Louisiana.  The house had electricity, but no running water.  There was a well outside.  It had a hand pump to draw up the water.  There was no bathroom, just an out house.  The rent was $12.50 a month.

The Lord led me there to study and learn.  I lived there three years.  During that time friends gave me books to read.  Books on Yoga, Meditation, Art and the classic Spiritual works like the “Bhagavad Gita” and “The Upanishads” and “The Aquarian Gospel.”  I already had a Bible and had read the New Testament a few times and decided to read the whole Bible from cover to cover.

People were always giving me books.  Even the Mormons even came by to visit and gave me a copy of the Book of Mormon when I promised to read it.  I began reading it along with the Bible.

“The Book of Mormon” was a story of a tribe of Israel that migrated to the American Continent around 600BC.  According to the story shortly after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, He visited these people on the American Continent.

According to the story He taught them and healed them.  And as He prayed with them one day they were all transfigured into white light.  I continued reading about His visitation with them.  

You can imagine my astonishment as I read the following words that Jesus was speaking to the people……

And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.

Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and “a book of remembrance” was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.  And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.  Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.                                                       (Book of Mormon-3 Nephi ch.24:15-18)

Jesus was talking about “a book of remembrance.”  He had asked me to write “The Book of Remembrance.”  I was getting a little nervous and then I spotted a foot note that said to compare the verses with Malachi ch. 3 of the Bible.  I had not read that far in the Bible yet and you can imagine how I felt when I realized that Jesus was quoting from (Malachi ch. 3:15-18)

I became really frightened at this point and started praying, “Lord what are you doing to me?”  “You asked me to write ‘The Book of Remembrance’ and I found it in the Book of Mormon and in the Bible.”  “You’re not going to turn me into some kind of Bible nut are you?”

It has been over forty years since I was asked to write the book.  It is now 2015 and Hopefully “The Book of Remembrance” will be finished this year.  Leslie and I are working on it together with the Lord.

Leslie and I were married in 2003 and shortly after that the Lord asked me to give Leslie a Bible.  I asked the Lord, “Are you sure you want me to give Leslie a Bible?”  The next day I went to a Christian Book Store and sat outside in the car and asked again, “Are you sure you want me to give Leslie a Bible?”

There was no mistaking the presence of the Lord and the illuminated thought in which He prompts and speaks.  The moment I made the decision to go into the store and get the Bible for Leslie the Lord said, “The Miracle Begins.”

Leslie accepted her Bible and began reading it.  After reading a few months of reading, Leslie became facinated with the Hebrew language and began studying it.  

The Lord has led Leslie in the study of Hebrew and a miracle is truly happening.  We are sharing it with you in "The Book of Remembrance"